
検索キーワード「japanese garden」に一致する投稿を表示しています

Shikina en 660702-Shikina-en garden

The gardens of Shikinaen was also referred to as Shichinaudun and Southern Gardens as they are located to south of Shuri castle Shikina en was built in a blend of Chinese and Ryukyu style architectures It was used for the reception of an envoy from China An observatory was built in the gardens to make the Ryukyu Kingdom look larger, thoughCovering a surface area of 42 hectares, Shikinaen surrounds a large pond with two islets in the middle, one of which harbours the famous hexagonal pavilion It also features some remarkably elegant stone bridges that connect the banksLe Shikinaen (識名園?) est un jardin résidentiel dans l'île japonaise d'OkinawaLa superficie totale du jardin est de 41 997 m 2En 00, le Shikinaen est inscrit avec d'autres monuments de la préfecture d'Okinawa au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO sous l'appellation « sites Gusuku et biens associés du royaume des Ryukyu » Histoire La résidence fut créée en 1799 durant l Shikina En Wikipedia Shikina-en gar

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